Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
NewPassword 4015 New User Password User password required to change parameter settings from keypad R/W Unsigned 2048
ConversionFactor 4016 Conversion Factor Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only R/W Unsigned 8
Deadband 4017 Deadband Distance from transducer to first detectable level R/W Float 2048
Threshold 4018 Threshold Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only R/W Unsigned 2048
Polarity 4019 Polarity Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only R/W Enum 2048
Sensitivity 401A Sensitivity Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only R/W Unsigned 2048
DriveAmplitude 401B Drive Amplitude Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only R/W Unsigned 2048
SensorMount 401C Sensor Mount Mounting configuration of sensor - specifies the sensor offset and reference used to determine level. R/W Enum 2048
sensor_level 401D # of Counts Damped time of flight. Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only R Unsigned 34
FirmwareVersion 401E Firmware Version Версия ПО полевого устройства - это версия ПО или встроенного ПО полевого устройства R ASCII 2052
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class