Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Status_event1 4015 Status Describes a diagnostic event. R/W Enum 0
RTCDate1 401F Date Occurred The date on which the event occurred. R/W HartDate 0
RTCTime1 4029 Time Occurred The time at which the event occurred. R/W Time 0
TimeOccurred1 4034 Runtime The system runtime at which the event occurred. R/W Float 0
Duration1 4049 Duration When a diagnostic is cleared, the difference between the present elapsed time and the time recorded when the event occurred is recorded as the duration. R/W Float 0
Occurred_units1 403F R/W Enum 0
Duration_units1 4053 R/W Enum 0
EventRow1 4005 R/W Integer 4096
trend_level_value 4061 Level Level of material on the probe. (When in interface mode, this value corresponds to the level of the upper surface.) R Float 0
trend_ifclvl_value 4062 Ifc Level Level of liquid-liquid interface. (When no interface is present, this value corresponds to the level of product in the vessel.) R Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class