Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
EnteredPassword 4027 Enter Password Password entry is required to modify parameters that should normally not be accessible to the user. W Unsigned 2052
MagnetrolSSN 4028 Magnetrol S/N Magnetrol S/N - Serial number of this unit. R/W ASCII 2052
Trim4mA 4029 4mA Trim Value Displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R Unsigned 2051
Trim20mA 402A 20mA Trim Value Displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R Unsigned 2051
ConversionFactor 402B Conversion Factor Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R Integer 10
ScaleOffset 402C Scale Offset Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R Integer 10
Initials 402D Date/Time/Initials When and by whom calibration was performed. R/W PackedAscii 2052
FirmwareVersion 402E Firmware Version Field Device Software Revision- This revision corresponds to the software or firmware, that is embedded in the Field Device R ASCII 2052
CalibSelect 402F Calibration Selected Calibration selected to calculate the measured process variable. User can select the Factory Calibration or User Calibration. If User Calibration is selected, refer to User Wet Calib Menu to calibrate the unit under process conditions. R/W Enum 2048
Adj_SnrCalLo 4030 Adj SensorCalLo Factory parameter, displayed for diagnostic purposes only. R Float 10
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class