Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
snsrMinimumTrimDiff | 4015 | Snsr Min Trim Diff | Minimum Trim Differential- The minimum acceptable difference between the upper and lower trim points. | R | Float | 0 |
inputVoltage | 4017 | Input Voltage | Input voltage monitor | R | Float | 2050 |
gasTable | 4018 | Gas Table | Gas specific calibration look up table | R/W | Enum | 10 |
hours | 4019 | RTC Hrs | Real time clock - hours | R/W | Unsigned | 10 |
minutes | 401A | RTC Minutes | Real time clock - minutes | R/W | Unsigned | 10 |
minValue | 401B | Min Value | Minimum gas value reading recorded during average interval. | R | Float | 18 |
maxValue | 401C | Max Value | Maximum gas reading recorded during average interval. | R | Float | 18 |
avgValue | 401D | Avg Value | Average gas reading recorded during the average interval | R | Float | 18 |
avgInterval | 401E | Avg Interval | Time interval in hours(1,8, or 24) for which the min, max and average values are accumulated. | R/W | Unsigned | 10 |
alm1Setpoint | 401F | Alm1 Setpoint | Gas level at which alarm 1 will be set | R/W | Float | 10 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |