名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
cal_step 402A Step Cal Calibration step command byte 读/写 无符号 10
alm_ack 402B Alm Ack Alarm acknowledge command byte 读/写 无符号 10
driftCount 402C Auto Zero Comp Indicates the amount of automatic zero compensation added since last calibration 无符号 10
lastCalDate 402D Last Cal Date Indicates the date the sensor module was last calibrated HART日期 2050
calSigEna 402E Cal Signal When enabled, causes the 4-20 ma to be set to 3.75 ma during calibration 读/写 枚举 2050
swapDelay 402F Swap Delay Enables a 1 min hold off on sensor missing status bit and output current fault during sensor exchange 读/写 枚举 10
dataResetCmd 4030 dataResetCmd Sensor data sheet reset command byte 读/写 无符号 8
sensorStatus 4031 Sensor Status Status message from sensor module to transmitter 枚举 2050
snsrTemp 4032 Snsr Temp Temperature reading from sensor module 整型 2050
alertOption 4033 Alert Option Sets output to 3.75 ma during cal of an Oxygen sensor if Cal sig is also enabled) 读/写 枚举 10
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类