名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
deadband 4046 Deadzone Deadzone. When the deviation is within the bandwidth of the deadzone, integral control is stopped. This is useful if the integration is cause due to hunting. 读/写 浮点 2048
tight_shut_open 4047 Tight-shut Open Tight-shut Open. When this signal is equal to or greater than the set value, it switches to the fully open state. When set to 100%, this feature is disabled. 读/写 浮点 2048
tight_shut_close 4048 Tight-shut Close Tight-shut Close. When the signal is below this set value, switch to the closed state. When set to 0%, will be disabled. 读/写 浮点 2048
pv_zero 4049 Pv Zero Zero-position data of valve stroke. 读/写 整型 2048
pv_span 404A Pv End End-position data of valve stroke. 读/写 整型 2048
tr_zero 404B Tr Zero 4mA Reference data of Position Transmitter. 读/写 整型 2048
tr_span 404C Tr End 20mA Reference data of Position Transmitter. 读/写 整型 2048
biasLow 404D BIAS LOW (25%) BIAS LOW(25%). Reference value of torq-motor unit at 25%. 读/写 浮点 2048
biasHigh 404E BIAS HIGH (75%) BIAS HIGH (75%). Reference value of torq-motor unit at 75%. 读/写 浮点 2048
fullOpenTime 4052 Full Open Time FULL OPEN TIME 浮点 2048
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