Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
deadband 4046 Deadzone Deadzone. When the deviation is within the bandwidth of the deadzone, integral control is stopped. This is useful if the integration is cause due to hunting. R/W Float 2048
tight_shut_open 4047 Tight-shut Open Tight-shut Open. When this signal is equal to or greater than the set value, it switches to the fully open state. When set to 100%, this feature is disabled. R/W Float 2048
tight_shut_close 4048 Tight-shut Close Tight-shut Close. When the signal is below this set value, switch to the closed state. When set to 0%, will be disabled. R/W Float 2048
pv_zero 4049 Pv Zero Zero-position data of valve stroke. R/W Integer 2048
pv_span 404A Pv End End-position data of valve stroke. R/W Integer 2048
tr_zero 404B Tr Zero 4mA Reference data of Position Transmitter. R/W Integer 2048
tr_span 404C Tr End 20mA Reference data of Position Transmitter. R/W Integer 2048
biasLow 404D BIAS LOW (25%) BIAS LOW(25%). Reference value of torq-motor unit at 25%. R/W Float 2048
biasHigh 404E BIAS HIGH (75%) BIAS HIGH (75%). Reference value of torq-motor unit at 75%. R/W Float 2048
fullOpenTime 4052 Full Open Time FULL OPEN TIME R Float 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class