Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var1_trimPointSupport 408E Trim Point Support R/W Integer 8
var1_minLowerTrim 4036 Minimum Lower Trim R/W Float 8
var1_maxLowerTrim 4037 Maximum Lower Trim R/W Float 8
var1_minUpperTrim 4038 Minimum Upper Trim R/W Float 8
var1_maxUpperTrim 4039 Maximum Upper Trim R/W Float 8
var1_minTrimDiff 403A Minimum Lower Trim R/W Float 8
var1_minSpan 402F Min span Minimum Span Value- Defines the smallest allowable difference between the Upper Range Value and the Lower Range Value. R Float 0
var1_units 408F Thickness Units Field Device Variable Unit- Engineering unit to be displayed with the Digital Value representation, Minimum Span, Upper Range Value, Lower Range Value, Lower Sensor Limit, and Upper Sensor Limit R/W Enum 0
var1_data_quality 4090 Ch 2 Thk Data Quality Process Data Quality- Indicates the overall process data quality of the device variable value. R Enum 0
var1_limit_status 4091 Ch 2 Thk Alarm Limit Status- Indicates whether the device variable is limited (i.e., not responding to a process). R Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class