Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
keep_alive_min_time | 36D1 | Keep-alive time | Minimum required keep-alive time. | R | Time | 2048 |
receive_signal_level | 36D0 | Receive signal level | RSL (receive signal level in dB) threshold 'good' connection. | R | Integer | 2048 |
max_neighbors | 36D2 | Max Neighbors | Maximum number of neighbors | R | Unsigned | 2048 |
max_packet_buffers | 36D3 | Max Packetbuffer | Maximum number of packet buffers | R | Unsigned | 2048 |
battery_life | 36D5 | Battery Life Remaining | Remaining battery life | R | Unsigned | 8 |
generated_packets | 36D7 | Generated packets | Number of packets generated by this device | R | Unsigned | 2050 |
terminated_packets | 36D8 | Terminated packets | Number of packets terminated by this device | R | Unsigned | 2050 |
detected_dll_mic_failures | 36D9 | DLL failures | Number of Data-Link Layer MIC failures detected | R | Unsigned | 2050 |
detected_nl_mic_failures | 36DA | NL(Session) failures | Number of Network Layer (Session) MIC failures detected | R | Unsigned | 2050 |
detected_crc_errors | 36DC | CRC errors | Number of CRC errors detected. | R | Unsigned | 2050 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |