Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
var2_alarm_hi 403F Thk HI Alarm R/W Float 0
var2_wf_type 40C5 Waveform Display Display as an RF waveform or as an envelope. R/W Enum 2048
var2_gate1_thkvel 40C6 Gt 1 Thk Velocity The sound velocity of the material being measured. R/W Float 0
var2_gate2_thkvel 40C7 Gt 2 Thk Velocity The sound velocity of the material being measured. R/W Float 0
var2_gate1_thkoffset 40C8 Gt 1 Thk Offset The calibration offset of the material being measured. R/W Float 0
var2_gate2_thkoffset 40C9 Gt 2 Thk Offset The calibration offset of the material being measured. R/W Float 0
var2_gate1_tof 40CA Gt 1 TOF The time of flight of the signal threshold crossing. R/W Float 0
var2_gate2_tof 40CB Gt 2 TOF The time of flight of the signal threshold crossing. R/W Float 0
var2_ref_temp 40CC Reference Temp The temperature reference used in temperature compensation R Float 2050
var2_update_period 40CD Update Period R Time 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class