Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
vol_d2_float 40B2 Diameter 2 Diameter of the cone bottom R/W Float 4096
vol_l_x1_float 40B3 Length X1 The length of the Tank X side or the length of the Horizontal round Tank R/W Float 4096
vol_l_y1_float 40B4 Length Y1 The length of the Tank Y side R/W Float 4096
vol_l_x2_float 40B5 Length X2 The length of the tapered bottom lower end X side R/W Float 4096
vol_l_y2_float 40B6 Length Y2 The length of the tapered bottom lower end Y side R/W Float 4096
sensor_l_to_x_float 40B7 L_to_x Distance between Sensor and X Side of rectangular roof R/W Float 4096
sensor_l_to_y_float 40B8 L_to_y Distance between Sensor and Y Side of rectangular roof R/W Float 4096
inclination 4084 Beam Inclination Sensor Beam Inclination from vertical axis. It is used for Distance Compensation at big beam inclinations from vertical axis R/W Float 4096
relay_setpoint_1 40D0 Relay Setpoint 1 Setpoint for relay switching, corresponds to Level or Distance, depending on selection R/W Float 4096
relay_setpoint_2 40D1 Relay Setpoint 2 Setpoint for relay switching, corresponds to Level or Distance, depending on selection for PV R/W Float 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class