Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
propertiesPressureCaught 418D Properties Properties, indicate e.g. the simulation state. R BitEnum 10
catchCaptureModePressureCaught 418F Catch Mode Defines how to capture the data: Disabled - No Messages are catched Catch from specified device - Catch regular messages (ACK) of the specified command from the specified source device. Catch burst messages - Catch burst messages (BACK) of the specified command. R/W Enum 2048
catchSourceExtendedDeviceTypeCodePressureCaught 4190 Exp. Device Type code The expanded Field Device Code of the Source Field Device. (Ignored when catching burst messages.) R/W Unsigned 2048
catchSourceDeviceIdPressureCaught 4191 Field Device Id Device Id of the source Field Device (When set to '0', any field device of the given device type may act as source.) R/W Unsigned 2048
catchSourceCommandNumberPressureCaught 4192 Command The command that should be catched. R/W Enum 2048
catchSourceSlotNumberPressureCaught 4193 Slot The slot of the desired process variable in the command. R/W Enum 2048
catchShedTimePressureCaught 4194 Timeout The time between the last good message reception and the assumption of a communication failure R/W Float 2048
eSelectionAnalogOutput 4195 eSelectionAnalogOutput R/W Enum 4096
eSelectionCurrentOutput 4196 eSelectionCurrentOutput R/W Enum 4096
aunQV 4198 Ед. изм. AO R Enum 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class