Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
loc_NormalValueTemperature 48C8 Norm. Temperature Temperature of medium at normal or reference conditions. Value is used to calculate the density at normal or reference conditions of a known medium, which is used to calculate the normalized flow. (Fct. C1.11.1) R/W Float 4096
bkp_NormalValueTemperature 48EA Norm. Temperature Temperature of medium at normal or reference conditions. Value is used to calculate the density at normal or reference conditions of a known medium, which is used to calculate the normalized flow. (Fct. C1.11.1) R/W Float 4096
loc_NormalValuePressure 48C9 Norm. Pressure Pressure of medium at normal or reference conditions. Value is used to calculate the density at normal or reference conditions of a known medium, which is used to calculate the normalized flow. (Fct. C1.11.2) R/W Float 4096
bkp_NormalValuePressure 48EB Norm. Pressure Pressure of medium at normal or reference conditions. Value is used to calculate the density at normal or reference conditions of a known medium, which is used to calculate the normalized flow. (Fct. C1.11.2) R/W Float 4096
loc_NormalValueDensity 48CA Norm. Density Density of medium at normal or reference conditions. Value is used in flow computations for normalized flow calculations of custom mediums. (Fct. C1.11.3) R/W Float 4096
bkp_NormalValueDensity 48EC Norm. Density Density of medium at normal or reference conditions. Value is used in flow computations for normalized flow calculations of custom mediums. (Fct. C1.11.3) R/W Float 4096
loc_FractionNitrogen 48B3 Nitrogen (Fct. C1.3.1.15) R/W Float 4096
bkp_FractionNitrogen 48D5 Nitrogen (Fct. C1.3.1.15) R/W Float 4096
loc_FractionMethane 48B4 Methane (Fct. C1.3.1.13) R/W Float 4096
bkp_FractionMethane 48D6 Methane (Fct. C1.3.1.13) R/W Float 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class