Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
loc_LevelLowAlarmOutputCurrent 4717 Low Error Current (Fct. C2.1.7) R/W Float 4096
bkp_LevelLowAlarmOutputCurrent 476B Low Error Current (Fct. C2.1.7) R/W Float 4096
loc_LevelHighAlarmOutputCurrent 4718 High Error Current (Fct. C2.1.8) R/W Float 4096
bkp_LevelHighAlarmOutputCurrent 476C High Error Current (Fct. C2.1.8) R/W Float 4096
loc_cddevOutputLimitSwitch 4729 Measurement Select the measurement variable the limit switch shall monitor (Fct. C2.2.5.1) R/W Enum 4096
bkp_cddevOutputLimitSwitch 477D Measurement Select the measurement variable the limit switch shall monitor (Fct. C2.2.5.1) R/W Enum 4096
loc_LimitHighThresholdOutputLimitSwitch 472A Upper Limit Configure the upper limit the limit switch shall monitor (Fct. C2.2.5.3) R/W Float 4096
bkp_LimitHighThresholdOutputLimitSwitch 477E Upper Limit Configure the upper limit the limit switch shall monitor (Fct. C2.2.5.3) R/W Float 4096
loc_LimitLowThresholdOutputLimitSwitch 472B Lower Limit Configure the lower limit the limit switch shall monitor (Fct. C2.2.5.2) R/W Float 4096
bkp_LimitLowThresholdOutputLimitSwitch 477F Lower Limit Configure the lower limit the limit switch shall monitor (Fct. C2.2.5.2) R/W Float 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class