Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
loc_PulseWidthConfigurationFrequency 4722 Pulse Width Select the pulse width (for frequency output) in case of fixed pulse shape (Fct. C2.2.3.3) R/W Float 4096
bkp_PulseWidthConfigurationFrequency 4776 Pulse Width Select the pulse width (for frequency output) in case of fixed pulse shape (Fct. C2.2.3.3) R/W Float 4096
loc_Range0PctMeasurementOutputBinary 4723 0% Range Set the measurement value corresponding to 0% (Fct. C2.2.3.6) R/W Float 4096
bkp_Range0PctMeasurementOutputBinary 4777 0% Range Set the measurement value corresponding to 0% (Fct. C2.2.3.6) R/W Float 4096
loc_PulseShapeConfiguration 4725 Pulse Shape (Fct. C2.2.3.2) R/W Enum 4096
bkp_PulseShapeConfiguration 4778 Pulse Shape (Fct. C2.2.3.2) R/W Enum 4096
loc_Range100PctMeasurementOutputBinary 4724 100% Range Set the measurement value corresponding to 100% (Fct. C2.2.3.7) R/W Float 4096
bkp_Range100PctMeasurementOutputBinary 4779 100% Range Set the measurement value corresponding to 100% (Fct. C2.2.3.7) R/W Float 4096
loc_ModeOutputStatus 4726 Mode Select the status output variable. (Fct. C2.2.4.1) R/W Enum 4096
bkp_ModeOutputStatus 477A Mode Select the status output variable. (Fct. C2.2.4.1) R/W Enum 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class