Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
utpTemperatureCaught | 4178 | Update Time | Update Time Period 'UTP'. Indicates the maximum period between updates of the process variable. | R | Time | 8 |
simulateTemperatureCaught | 4179 | Set Simulation | Desired setting of the process variable simulation. If enabled, the process variable will be simulated and won't show the actual process value. | W | Enum | 2048 |
propertiesTemperatureCaught | 417A | Properties | Properties, indicate e.g. the simulation state. | R | BitEnum | 10 |
catchCaptureModeTemperatureCaught | 417C | Catch Mode | Defines how to capture the data: Disabled - No Messages are catched Catch from specified device - Catch regular messages (ACK) of the specified command from the specified source device. Catch burst messages - Catch burst messages (BACK) of the specified command. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
catchSourceExtendedDeviceTypeCodeTemperatureCaught | 417D | Exp. Device Type code | The expanded Field Device Code of the Source Field Device. (Ignored when catching burst messages.) | R/W | Unsigned | 2048 |
catchSourceDeviceIdTemperatureCaught | 417E | Field Device Id | Device Id of the source Field Device (When set to '0', any field device of the given device type may act as source.) | R/W | Unsigned | 2048 |
catchSourceCommandNumberTemperatureCaught | 417F | Command | The command that should be catched. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
catchSourceSlotNumberTemperatureCaught | 4180 | Slot | The slot of the desired process variable in the command. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
catchShedTimeTemperatureCaught | 4181 | Timeout | The time between the last good message reception and the assumption of a communication failure | R/W | Float | 2048 |
dfoPressureCaught | 4183 | Format HART Pressure | Display format for HART caught pressure. Local for HART applications, no correlation with device's local display. | R/W | Enum | 4096 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |