Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
lstSpecificHeatCapacity | 4123 | Limit Status | Limit Status 'LS' | R/W | Enum | 10 |
fstSpecificHeatCapacity | 4124 | Family Status | Family Status 'FS' | R | BitEnum | 10 |
utpSpecificHeatCapacity | 4125 | Update Time | Update Time Period 'UTP'. Indicates the maximum period between updates of the process variable. | R | Time | 8 |
simulateSpecificHeatCapacity | 4126 | Set Simulation | Desired setting of the process variable simulation. If enabled, the process variable will be simulated and won't show the actual process value. | W | Enum | 2048 |
propertiesSpecificHeatCapacity | 4127 | Properties | Properties, indicate e.g. the simulation state. | R | BitEnum | 10 |
dunReynoldsNumber | 4129 | Unit Reynolds Number | Unit for reynolds number. | R | Enum | 8 |
dfoReynoldsNumber | 412B | Format Reynolds Number | Display format for reynolds number. Local for HART applications, no correlation with device's local display. | R/W | Enum | 4096 |
dvlReynoldsNumber | 412A | Reynolds Number | Reynolds number process variable | R/W | Float | 10 |
uslReynoldsNumber | 412C | Upper Sensor Limit | Valore limite sensore superiore - Definisce il valore massimo utilizzabile per il valore di campo superiore. | R | Float | 8 |
lslReynoldsNumber | 412D | Lower Sensor Limit | Valore limite sensore inferiore - Definisce il valore minimo utilizzabile per il valore di campo inferiore. | R | Float | 8 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |