Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
QVanalogChannelFlags | 2F2E | Channel flags | Analog Channel Flags- Defines the characteristics of the Analog Channel | R | BitEnum | 64 |
eOptionOnlineMode | 41E7 | Online Mode? | Can the Host Application currently communicate with the field device? | R/W | Enum | 4096 |
st16VersionDd | 41E8 | DD-Version | Version number of the device description according to NAMUR recommendation. You are currently working with version: 01.11 | R/W | ASCII | 4096 |
eMenuItemPreliminaryContent | 4453 | Preliminary content | The content of this menu is only preliminary | R/W | Enum | 4096 |
eMenuItemOff | 4454 | Off | Function switched off | R/W | Enum | 4096 |
eMenuItemNoValidItems | 4455 | No valid items | This menu contains no valid items. | R/W | Enum | 4096 |
gdc_02049_32_DetectionMethod1 | 41F9 | method | method (D1.3.1) | R/W | Enum | 0 |
gdc_02051_32_FlowDirection1 | 45F6 | flow direction | flow direction (C2.6.2) | R/W | Enum | 0 |
gdc_02055_32_FluidDensity1 | 45E7 | density | (X5.11.1, C1.3.10.1) | R/W | Float | 0 |
gdc_02057_32_FluidC1 | 45E5 | VoS fluid | (X5.10.1, X7.5.1, C1.3.9.1) | R/W | Float | 0 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |