Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
lstOperatingHours 41C2 Limit Status Limit Status 'LS' R/W Enum 10
fstOperatingHours 41C3 Family Status Family Status 'FS' R BitEnum 10
utpOperatingHours 41C4 Update Time Update Time Period 'UTP'. Indicates the maximum period between updates of the process variable. R Time 8
propertiesOperatingHours 41C5 Properties Properties, indicate e.g. the simulation state. R BitEnum 10
eSelectionAnalogOutput 41C7 eSelectionAnalogOutput R/W Enum 4096
eSelectionCurrentOutput 41CC eSelectionCurrentOutput R/W Enum 4096
PVloopUnits 2EE0 AO unit R Enum 64
PVloopCurrentUpperEndPoint 2EE2 AO hi end pt Analog Output Upper Endpoint Value- Defines the upper endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
PVloopCurrentLowerEndPoint 2EE3 AO lo end pt Analog Output Lower Endpoint Value- Defines the lower endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
PVloopCurrentUpperLimit 2EE4 Upper Limit Value The maximum value of the analog signal. R Float 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class