名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
flRangeLowerDisplayPage2_44173_32 461C Range Min Range setting for 1st line of 2nd Measuring page (Fct. C5.4.3) 读/写 浮点 256
cdDevDisplay2ndLinePage2_04186_32 45FA Measurement 2.line Measurement for 2nd line of 2nd Measuring page (Fct. C5.4.8) 读/写 枚举 256
cdDevDisplay3rdLinePage2_04187_32 4620 Measurement 3.line Measurement for 3rd line of 2nd Measuring page (Fct. C5.4.10) 读/写 枚举 256
iTrancactionNoHart 466F 读/写 整型 4096
iRcCopyHart 4302 读/写 整型 129
iControlByteGdc 42ED 读/写 整型 129
iCountDataGdc 42EE 读/写 整型 4096
ui16ObjectNumberGdcDelayed 42F5 ui16ObjectNumberGdcDelayed 读/写 无符号 4096
ui16ObjectNumberGdcGeneric 42EB ui16ObjectNumberGdcGeneric 读/写 无符号 4096
uiSubNumberGdcDelayed 42F6 uiSubNumberGdcDelayed 读/写 无符号 4096
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类