名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |
flDeadTime | 4343 | Dead time | Sets the time to compensate for the delay in electronics and signal detection (Fct. D1.7) | 读/写 | 浮点 | 8 |
eModeAveragingProcess | 4345 | Mode | Switches the averaging process (on/off) on the signal (Fct. D1.8.1) | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
ui16AveragingStackingMin | 4346 | Min. stacking | Exponentially sets the min. number of frames for automatic averaging (Fct. D1.8.2) | 读/写 | 无符号 | 8 |
ui16AveragingStackingMax | 4347 | Max. stacking | Exponentially sets the max. number of framed for automatic averaging (Fct. D1.8.3) | 读/写 | 无符号 | 8 |
eModeAveragingSpeed | 4348 | Tracking | Sets the speed of the automatic averaging (Fct. D1.9) | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
eModeAveragingSNR | 4349 | SNR | Sets the use of SNR in the automatic averaging (Fct. D1.10) | 读/写 | 枚举 | 8 |
ui32DspSet1 | 434A | DSP set 1 | DSP set 1 (Fct. D1.12.1) | 读/写 | 无符号 | 8 |
ui32DspSet2 | 434B | DSP set 2 | DSP set 2 (Fct. D1.12.2) | 读/写 | 无符号 | 8 |
ui32DspSet3 | 434C | DSP set 3 | DSP set 3 (Fct. D1.12.3) | 读/写 | 无符号 | 8 |
flFluidC | 434D | Velocity of sound | Measures the path lengths and stores the result (Fct. D2.2) | 读/写 | 浮点 | 0 |
名称 | ID | 标签 | 描述 | 类型 | 访问 | 分类 |