名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
flSimulationVolFlowProcessInput 42A7 Volume flow simulation of volume flow (Fct. B1.1, C1.5.1) 读/写 浮点 2048
flVolumeFlowGdcFbOutput_12 42AB Act. volume flow Displays current unfiltered volume flow (Fct. B2.1) 浮点 10
flVolumeFlowGdcFbOutput_16 42AE 浮点 8
flMassFlowGdcFbOutput_12 42B1 Act. mass flow Displays current unfiltered mass flow (Fct. B2.2) 浮点 10
flVelocityOfSoundPath1GdcFbOutput_12 42B4 Act. velocity of sound path 1 Displays current unfiltered voelocity of sound path 1 (Fct. B2.3.1) 浮点 10
flVelocityOfSoundPath2GdcFbOutput_12 42B6 Act. velocity of sound path 2 Displays current unfiltered voelocity of sound path 2 (Fct. B2.3.2) 浮点 10
flVelocityOfSoundPath3GdcFbOutput_12 42B8 Act. velocity of sound path 3 Displays current unfiltered voelocity of sound path 3 (Fct. B2.3.3) 浮点 10
flVelocityFlowPath1GdcFbOutput_12 42BB Act. flow speed path 1 Displays current unfiltered flow speed path 1 (Fct. B2.4.1) 浮点 10
flVelocityFlowPath2GdcFbOutput_12 42BD Act. flow speed path 2 Displays current unfiltered flow speed path 2 (Fct. B2.4.2) 浮点 10
flVelocityFlowPath3GdcFbOutput_12 42BF Act. flow speed path 3 Displays current unfiltered flow speed path 3 (Fct. B2.4.3) 浮点 10
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类