Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
transfer_function 1F84 Xfer fnctn Función de transferencia: Define la función de transformación que se aplicará desde la variable de dispositivo de campo a la salida analógica y el rango de porcentaje. La función de transferencia no afecta a la representación del valor digital. R Enum 32
upperRange_value 00EA PV URV Valor de rango superior: Define el punto final de funcionamiento del cual se derivan el valor analógico y el punto 100% del rango de porcentaje. Además, el valor de rango superior define un punto final de funcionamiento del que se derivan las alarmas asociadas con el valor analógico y las alarmas asociadas con la representación del valor digital. R Float 32
lowerRange_value 00EB PV LRV Valor de rango inferior: Define el punto final de funcionamiento del que se derivan el valor analógico, y el punto 0% del rango de porcentaje. Además, el valor de rango inferior define un punto final de funcionamiento del que se derivan las alarmas asociadas al valor analógico y las alarmas asociadas a la representación del valor digital. R Float 32
primary_variable_code 0FD0 PV is Primary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Primary Variable dynamic variable. Equivalent to measurement of current output A (basic IO) or C (modular IO / Exi IO) respectively. (Fct. C4.1) R/W Index 128
secondary_variable_code 0FD1 SV is Secondary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Secondary Variable dynamic variable. Equivalent to measurement of frequency output D if available. (Fct. C4.2) R/W Index 128
tertiary_variable_code 0FD2 TV is Tertiary Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Tertiary Variable dynamic variable. Equivalent to measurement of current/frequency output A if available (Modular IO / Exi IO). (Fct. C4.3) R/W Index 128
quaternary_variable_code 1082 QV is Fourth Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index location, that indicates which Field Device dynamic variable has been mapped into the Fourth Variable dynamic variable. Equivalent to measurement of current/frequency output B if available (Modular IO / Exi IO). (Fct. C4.4) R/W Index 128
device_variable_code 1047 Device Variable Index into Dynamic Variables Array- An index that identifies a Field Device Variable that is dynamic with respect to time, with no user input R/W Index 4096
analog_channel_number_code 105D Analog Channel Number Analog Channel Number- Index into an array of Analog Channels. R/W Index 4096
analog_channel_number_code_1 105E Index 1 into Analog Channel Array Index into Analog Channel Array- Is the first of an array of addresses, whose value is identified by the Analog Channel Code. R/W Index 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class