Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
tfcTv 412A Xfer fnctn R Enum 32
urvTv 412B URV Upper Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value, and the 100% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Upper Range Value defines an operational endpoint which the alarms associated with the Analog Value, and the alarms associated with the Digital Value representation are derived. R Float 32
lrvTv 412C LRV Lower Range Value- Defines the operational endpoint from which the Analog Value, and the 0% point of the Percent Range are derived. In addition, the Lower Range Value defines an operational endpoint which the alarms associated with the Analog Value, and the alarms associated with the Digital Value representation are derived. R Float 32
aunTv 4132 AO unit R Enum 64
avlTv 4131 TV Output Value Analog output value that tracks the associated measured value. Current/frequency output A. R/W Float 66
acdTv 4133 AO Alrm typ R Enum 64
uepTv 4134 AO hi end pt Analog Output Upper Endpoint Value- Defines the upper endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
lepTv 4135 AO lo end pt Analog Output Lower Endpoint Value- Defines the lower endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
adpTv 4136 Added damp Analog Output Added Damping Value- Damping time constant applied the Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. R Float 64
acfTv 4137 Channel flags Analog Channel Flags- Defines the characteristics of the Analog Channel R BitEnum 64
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class