Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Eingegebene_Kalibrierloesung_loc_00 400A Calibration solution R/W Float 4096
Eingegebene_Kalibrierloesung_loc_01 400B Calibration solution R/W Float 4096
gemessene_Kalibrierloesung 400C Conductivity R Float 10
gemessene_Kalibrierloesung_loc_cond 400F Conductivity R Float 4096
gemessene_Kalibrierloesung_loc_res 4010 Resistivity R Float 4096
anzahl_sip 4012 SIP counter SIP counter R Unsigned 2048
anzahl_cip 4013 CIP counter CIP counter R Unsigned 2048
date_kalibrierung_cond 4014 Date of calibration MM/DD/YYYY R/W HartDate 2048
x_date_kalibrierung_cond 4015 Date of calibration R/W HartDate 2048
date_kalibrierung_cond_loc 4016 Date of calibration Date of the calibration R/W HartDate 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class