名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
statusmap_variable_049 09C3 现场设备状态5-2 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 读/写 枚举 2048
statusmap_variable_050 09C4 现场设备状态5-3 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 读/写 枚举 2048
statusmap_variable_051 09C5 现场设备状态5-4 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 读/写 枚举 2048
statusmap_variable_052 09C6 现场设备状态5-5 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 读/写 枚举 2048
statusmap_variable_053 09C7 现场设备状态5-6 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 读/写 枚举 2048
statusmap_variable_054 09C8 现场设备状态5-7 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 读/写 枚举 2048
statusmap_variable_055 09C9 现场设备状态5-8 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 读/写 枚举 2048
statusmap_variable_056 09CA 要求维护 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 枚举 2048
statusmap_variable_057 09CB 设备变量报警 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 读/写 枚举 2048
statusmap_variable_058 09CC Critical Power Failure Used to map a status condition to a severity level. 读/写 枚举 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类