名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
compat_burst_cmd_1 40FB Command Command message that is transmitted for the respective burst message by the device while in burst mode. 读/写 枚举 128
compat_burst_trig_level_1 4102 Burst Trigger Level The Burst Trigger level defines the threshold that must be exceeded to start bursting. 读/写 浮点 2048
compat_burst_mode_1 40FE 广播模式 广播模式选择——选择广播模式功能的模式。如果已使能广播,现场设备将在没有主机的个别请求的链接上生成HART消息。 读/写 枚举 128
compat_burst_trig_mode_1 40FF Trigger Mode Selects the Burst Trigger Mode. Burst messages may be configured to publish continuously or based on a Trigger Level. 读/写 枚举 128
compat_burst_trig_class_1 4100 Classification The classification of the burst trigger variable 读/写 枚举 16
compat_burst_trig_units_1 4101 Unit The unit of the burst trigger variable 读/写 枚举 16
compat_burst_vars_0_2 4116 Burst Variable Code Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. 读/写 索引 2048
compat_burst_vars_1_2 4117 Burst Variable Code Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. 读/写 索引 2048
compat_burst_vars_2_2 4118 Burst Variable Code Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. 读/写 索引 2048
compat_burst_vars_3_2 4119 Burst Variable Code Burst Variable Slot - Device variable code assigned to the slot to be read in burst mode. 读/写 索引 2048
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