Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
statusmap_variable_147 0A25 Стат пол устр 17-4 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. R/W Enum 2048
statusmap_variable_148 0A26 Стат пол устр 17-5 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. R/W Enum 2048
statusmap_variable_149 0A27 Стат пол устр 17-6 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. R/W Enum 2048
statusmap_variable_150 0A28 Стат пол устр 17-7 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. R/W Enum 2048
statusmap_variable_151 0A29 Стат пол устр 17-8 Used to map a status condition to a severity level. R/W Enum 2048
status_simulate_mode 098C Condensed status simulation Allows simulation of different status conditions. W Enum 4096
simulate_bit_value 098D Condensed status value Allows simulation of different status conditions. W Enum 4096
simulate_bit_index 131D Bit Index W Unsigned 4096
status_simulation_byte 1324 R/W Index 4096
cdrfabe32EventsDeviceSpecificStatus 4335 R/W Index 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class