Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
dunTempFunctionParameter 41BB R/W Enum 2048
u8TempFunctionParameter 41BD R/W Unsigned 2048
u16TempFunctionParameter 41BE R/W Unsigned 2048
u32TempFunctionParameter 41BF R/W Unsigned 2048
tmpOldAccessLevel 41C2 R/W Unsigned 4096
tmpOldWriteProtection 41C5 R/W Unsigned 4096
typeIoChannelA 41CE Type IO channel A Type of input or output R/W Enum 0
typeIoChannelB 40A3 Type IO channel B Type of input or output R/W Enum 0
cdrfacolMeasurementAndScalingIo 41D4 R/W Index 4096
cdrfacolSignalingAndAlarmOutputCurrent 41D8 R/W Index 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class