Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
access_level | 412E | Access Level | R | Enum | 8 | |
interfaceOption | 404C | interfaceOption_lbl | R | Enum | 8 | |
FeaturesAvailable | 40A9 | Features Available | R | BitEnum | 0 | |
DeviceType | 4130 | Device Type | R | BitEnum | 0 | |
DTM_Version | 4131 | Device | R | Enum | 0 | |
SIL_Enable_Flag | 4132 | SIL Enable Flag | R | Unsigned | 0 | |
WHG_Enable_Flag | 4133 | WHG Enable Flag | R | Unsigned | 0 | |
measuring_mode | 413C | Measuring Mode | R/W | Enum | 0 | |
snapshot_activation | 413D | SnapshotActivation_lbl | SnapshotActivation_hlp | R/W | Enum | 0 |
auto_product_epsilon_R | 4083 | Auto product epsilon R | This parameter activates or deactivates the automatic calculation of the dielectric constant of the product. | R/W | Enum | 0 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |