Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
acdSv 40B5 AO Alrm typ R Enum 64
uepSv 40B6 AO hi end pt Analog Output Upper Endpoint Value- Defines the upper endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
lepSv 40B7 AO lo end pt Analog Output Lower Endpoint Value- Defines the lower endpoint, of the respective Analog Output, for normal operating conditions R Float 64
adpSv 40B8 Added damp Analog Output Added Damping Value- Damping time constant applied the Analog Output. The units of this variable are always in seconds. R Float 64
acfSv 40B9 Channel flags Analog Channel Flags- Defines the characteristics of the Analog Channel R BitEnum 64
l1 40BC Level R/W Float 0
v1 40BD Conversion R/W Float 8
l2 40BE Level R/W Float 0
v2 40BF Conversion R/W Float 8
l3 40C0 Level R/W Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class