Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
RelaySwitchCounter | 4286 | Relay Switch Counter | R | Unsigned | 3 | |
NberOfPtUsedByLeakDetect | 4288 | Number of Point for Leak Detection | R/W | Unsigned | 0 | |
NberOfSingularValueUsed | 4289 | Number of Singular Value for Leak Detection | R/W | Unsigned | 0 | |
SingularValue1 | 428A | Singular Value 1 | R/W | Float | 0 | |
SingularValue2 | 428B | Singular Value 2 | R/W | Float | 0 | |
SingularValue3 | 428C | Singular Value 3 | R/W | Float | 0 | |
SingularValue4 | 428D | Singular Value 4 | R/W | Float | 0 | |
SingularValue5 | 428E | Singular Value 5 | R/W | Float | 0 | |
FlangeDetectionDelay | 428F | Flange Detection Delay | R/W | Float | 0 | |
LogCompensation | 4290 | Log Compensation | R/W | Unsigned | 0 | |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |