Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
varSensorSystemChannel_TemperatureValue 425A Source measuring cell temperature R/W Enum 2048
varSensorSystemChannel_StaticPressureValue 425B Source static pressure R/W Enum 2048
varConfigTotalizer2_DecimalPlacesDisplay 422C Display format Determination of the presentation of decimal points R/W Enum 2048
varConfigTotalizer1_DecimalPlacesDisplay 4229 Display format Determination of the presentation of decimal points R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceUnits_DensityUnit 41BE Density unit Selection of the density unit for indication and parameter adjustment R/W Enum 2048
varDeviceUnits_FlowUnit 425C Measuring unit Selection of the flow unit for indication and parameter adjustment R/W Enum 2048
varUserDefinedUnitFlow_UnitName 425E Designation of the unit R/W ASCII 2048
varUserDefinedUnitFlow_BaseUnit 425F Basic unit Basic unit for user-defined unit R/W Enum 2048
varUserDefinedUnitFlow_BaseFactor 4261 Factor Conversion factor relating to the basic unit R/W Float 2048
varUserDefinedUnitFlow_DecimalPlacesDisplay 4262 Display format Determination of the presentation of decimal points R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class