Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
varUserMinMaxElectronicTemperature_MaxValue 4235 Max. electronics temperature R Float 2050
varUserMinMaxValuePhysical_MinValueTime 4236 Date, min. measured value R Unsigned 2050
varUserMinMaxValuePhysical_MinValue 4237 Min. measured value R Float 2050
varUserMinMaxValuePhysical_MaxValueTime 4238 Date, max. measured value R Unsigned 2050
varUserMinMaxValuePhysical_MaxValue 4239 Max. measured value R Float 2050
varUserMinMaxSensorTemperatureValue_MinValueTime 423A Date of the min. measuring cell temperature value R Unsigned 2050
varUserMinMaxSensorTemperatureValue_MinValue 423B Min. measuring cell temperature R Float 2050
varUserMinMaxSensorTemperatureValue_MaxValueTime 423C Date of the max. measuring cell temperature value R Unsigned 2050
varUserMinMaxSensorTemperatureValue_MaxValue 423D Max. measuring cell temperature R Float 2050
varUserMinMaxSensorStaticPressureValue_MinValueTime 423E Date of the min. static pressure value R Unsigned 2050
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class