Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
varUserMinMaxSensorStaticPressureValue_MinValue | 423B | Min. static pressure | R | Float | 2050 | |
varUserMinMaxSensorStaticPressureValue_MaxValueTime | 423C | Date of the max. static pressure value | R | Unsigned | 2050 | |
varUserMinMaxSensorStaticPressureValue_MaxValue | 423D | Max. static pressure | R | Float | 2050 | |
varNamurState | 407A | Device status | Device status acc. to NE 107 | R | Enum | 2050 |
varVegaState | 423E | Device status | R | Unsigned | 2050 | |
varDetailedState | 423F | Detail status | Detailed status value for identification of the exact cause of error | R | Unsigned | 2050 |
varMainCurrentValue_Value | 4240 | Current output | R | Float | 2050 | |
varMainCurrentValue_Unit | 4241 | R | Enum | 2048 | ||
varMainCurrentValue_Status | 409E | Current output | Status current output | R | BitEnum | 2050 |
varSecondCurrent_Value_Value | 4242 | Current output 2 | R | Float | 2050 | |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |