Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
varPin 4122 PIN Determine the PIN which should be valid for the function 'Lock adjustment' R/W Unsigned 2048
varDisplayConfig_PictureSelection 4084 Graph Selection of the presentation for the measured value image R/W Enum 2048
varDisplayConfig_DisplayedValue 4123 Indication value 1 Determines which measured value should be displayed R/W Enum 2048
varDisplayConfig_Language 4126 Menu language Selection of the language for the indicating and adjustment module R/W Enum 2048
varDisplayConfig_IluminationActivation 4127 Lighting Activation of the background lighting of the indicating and adjustment module R/W Enum 2048
varDisplayConfig_DisplayedValue2 4128 Indication value 2 Determines which measured value should be displayed R/W Enum 2048
varScaling_MinScaledValue 4129 0 % corresponds to Scaled value for 0 % R/W Float 2048
varScaling_MaxScaledValue 412B 100 % corresponds to Scaled value for 100 % R/W Float 2048
varScaling_ScalingUnit 412C Scaling unit Measuring unit for the scaled value R/W Enum 2048
varScaling_DecimalPlacesDisplay 412A Scaling format Determination of the presentation of decimal points R/W Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class