Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
p_totalizer_value 405D Tot.+ Positive Totalizer. R/W Float 34
n_totalizer_value 405E Tot.- Negative Totalizer. R/W Float 34
total_sum 4002 Tot.Sum The sum of Positive and Negative Totalizers. R/W Float 34
pulse_output_val 4006 Freq. R/W Float 578
pulse_percent_range 4087 Pulse percent range R/W Float 514
test_flowrate_value_in_percents 400B W Float 4096
rev_scale 4019 Rev. Scale (?) R/W Enum 0
store_zero 400F Store Zero (?) W Integer 4096
calibration_value 4016 R ASCII 0
DN_sel 401B Meter Size Table of tubes' diameters: 2.5 - 600 mm (1/10 - 24 inch). R/W Enum 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class