Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
time_constant_process_input 40A5 time constant time constant of process input filter (Fct. C1.2.3) R/W Float 32
Time_const_value_placeholder 40B8 R/W Float 32
AOx_additional_damping_value 40B9 Damp R/W Float 8
units_placeholder 40BA R/W Enum 32
float_value_placeholder 40BB R/W Float 32
flow_speed_dig_units 4080 flow speed unit Flow speed unit. For HART interface only, no correlation with device's local display. R/W Enum 32
flow_speed_format 4086 flow speed format Flow speed display format. For HART applications only. R/W Enum 4096
flow_speed_dig_value 4009 flwsp Flow speed R Float 10
flow_speed_sensor_units 40BD Snsr unit R Enum 8
flow_speed_usl 4038 USL Upper Sensor Limit Value- Defines the maximum usable value for the Upper Range Value. R Float 8
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class