Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
gdc_obj_33143 43DF coil current coil current (Fct. C1.3.09) R/W Enum 32
gdc_obj_33144 43E4 settling of field settling of field (Fct. C1.3.16) R/W Enum 32
gdc_obj_33145 42DA EF electr. factor calibrate electrode factor EF (manual setting) (Fct. C1.1.11) R/W Float 32
gdc_obj_33150 43DC settling time settling time (Fct. C1.1.15) R/W Float 64
gdc_obj_33160 42DF limitation max limitation max process input (Fct. C1.2.01) R/W Float 32
gdc_obj_33161 42DE limitation min limitation min process input (Fct. C1.2.01) R/W Float 32
gdc_obj_33162 4030 time constant time constant process input (Fct. C1.2.03) R/W Float 32
gdc_obj_33163 401C lfc threshold low flow cutoff threshold process input (Fct. C1.2.10) R/W Float 32
gdc_obj_33164 401D lfc hysteresis low flow cutoff hysteresis process input (Fct. C1.2.10) R/W Float 32
gdc_obj_33165 42E1 pulse width pulse width A (Fct. C1.2.05) R/W Float 32
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class