Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
AO3_analog_units 40FD R/W Enum 64
AO3_analog_value 40FE Output analog value R/W Float 66
AO3_pct_of_range 40FF % range Percent of range (defined by Lower and Upper Range Value) R/W Float 66
AO4_analog_units 4109 R/W Enum 64
AO4_analog_value 410A Output analog value R/W Float 66
AO4_pct_of_range 410B % range Percent of range (defined by Lower and Upper Range Value) R/W Float 66
c_number_production_ascii 4075 C number C number. Electronics No. (Fct. C4.1.02) R ASCII 2048
c_number_detected_ascii 4121 detected C-No. Automatically detected C-number R ASCII 2048
ifc_local_c_numbers_ascii_code 4122 R/W Index 4096
c_number_int_01 4124 R Unsigned 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class