Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
transmitter_revision 009D Device revision Device revision; revision of the specific device description that the field device conforms to. R Unsigned 128
software_revision 009E Software rev Field Device Software Revision- This revision corresponds to the software or firmware, that is embedded in the Field Device R Unsigned 2048
hardware_revision 009F Hardware rev Hardware Revision- Revision that corresponds to the electronics hardware of the Field Device. R Unsigned 2048
device_id 00A1 Device ID Device ID; device identification of the HART transmitter. R Unsigned 2048
response_preambles 0FE2 Number response preambles Number of response preambles; number of preambles the field device has to send in response to a request from host (5 to 20 are possible). R Unsigned 128
max_num_device_variables 00CE Max dev vars Maximum Number of Device Variables- This indicates the last Device Variable code that a host application should expect to be found in the field device (e.g., when identifying the Device Variables using Command 54) R Unsigned 2048
config_change_counter 00CF Cfg chng count Configuration Change Counter- This indicates the number of times the devices configuration or calibration has been changed by a host application or from a local operator interface. R Unsigned 2050
tag 00A3 Tag Tag; free text stored in the field device, it is recommended to use it as a unique label for the field device in the plant (max. 8 characters). R/W PackedAscii 2048
longTag 00D2 Long tag Long tag; functions exactly like Tag except the size is larger (max of 32 ISO Latin 1 characters). R/W ASCII 2048
device_variable_code_1 00E1 R/W Index 4096
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class