名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
st32Password 40E7 Password Password 无符号 2048
enuWriteProtection 40E9 Write protection If activated the field device does not accept any changes; e.g. causes that actions on some commands can not occur. 读/写 枚举 2048
uniLevel 40EC Level Unit 枚举 32
flDisplacementRodLength 40ED Length of displacement rod Displacement rod length; length of the used displacement rod. 浮点 32
st18ProcessConnectionType 40EF Type of process connection Level process connection type; connection to the process (e.g. specification of nominal size and pressure stage). ASCII 32
st24CompleteMeterSerialNumber 40F1 Serial number of meter Serial number of meter; serial number of the complete field device ASCII 2048
st24ElectronicRevisionNumber 40F5 Electronic revision Electronic revision; revision that corresponds to the electronics hardware of the field device. ASCII 0
enuIOModuleStatus 40DB IO module status IO module status; status of optional IO module (not available / active). 枚举 2048
st16IOFirmwareVersion 40F7 IO module firmware version IO module firmware version; firmware version of the field device's IO module, eg.: "V01.1.13" ASCII 0
enuDisplayOrientationControlValue 40FB Display rotation Control value for rotation of the display view direction (ESK4A-IO ) 读/写 枚举 2048
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类