名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
flB2FlowHysteresis 40D5 PV switch-point hysteresis (B2) PV switch point hysteresis; range 0.0 ... switchpoint, if current primary measurement exceeds the appointed switchpoint, the output changes the binary status. To return to initial position, the switchpoint value reduced by the hysteresis must be under-run. 读/写 浮点 32
flB2TotalizerLimit 40D6 Totalizer switch-point (B2) SV switchpoint limit; range 0.0 ... totalizer limit, if the current totalizer value exceeds adjusted limit switch value, the output changes the binary status. There is no hysteresis adjustment for this switchpoint. 读/写 浮点 32
enuB2ContactType 40D7 Type of contact (B2) Switchpoint type of contact; the binary limit switch output can be assigned to normally closed contact or normally open contact. 读/写 枚举 2048
st24OperatingFluidName 40DE Name of fluid Fluid name; fluid for which the field device is calibrated. ASCII 2048
enuMeterType 40E0 Meter type Meter type; manufacturer code for used meter type. 枚举 32
enuIndicator 40E1 Indicator type Indicator type; shows the used indicator type. 枚举 32
enuNominalMeterSize 40E2 Nominal meter size Nominal meter size; nominal meter size of used measuring tube. 枚举 32
enuConeType 40E3 Type of cone Type of cone, shows the used type of cone. 枚举 32
enuFloatType 40E4 Type of float Type of float; manufacturer code for used type of float. 枚举 32
enuFloatMaterial 40E5 Material of float Material of float; shows the used material of float. 枚举 32
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类