名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
dqaETemperature 408D Data quality Process data quality 'PDQ'. 枚举 10
lstETemperature 408E Limit status Limit status 'LS'. 枚举 10
fstETemperature 408F Family status Family status 'FS'. 位枚举 10
enuB3Configuration 4094 Binary input Binary input; by H-or L-level at the binary input B3 (terminal 7/8), the totalizer can be controlled (function reset or start/stop). 读/写 枚举 2048
enuCutoffControl 4097 LFC control Lfc control; switching the lfc on or off. 读/写 枚举 0
flCutoffOnValue 4099 LFC on value Lfc on value; if PV (primary measurand) falls below this value, the measurement scale is set to zero (adjustable between 1% and 19%). 读/写 浮点 0
flCutoffOffValue 409A LFC off value Lfc off value; if PV (primary measurand) exceeds this value, the measurement scale follows the actual flow rate (adjustable between 2% and 20%). 读/写 浮点 0
enuTotalizerControl 409D Counter option 枚举 2048
enuPulseWidthConfiguration 40A1 Pulse width Pulse width; following pulse widths can be adjusted, 50ms (max pulse = 36000 /s), 100ms (max pulse = 18000 /s), 200ms (max pulse = 9000 /s), 500ms (max pulse = 3600 /s). 读/写 枚举 0
flPulseValue 40A2 Pulse / Unit Pulse value; pulse pro volume (mass) value. The maximum frequency of the pulse output mustn't exceed even at maximum flow (final value). Valid range of values: 0.001 to 999.0 读/写 浮点 0
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