Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
dqaETemperature 408D Data quality Process data quality 'PDQ'. R Enum 10
lstETemperature 408E Limit status Limit status 'LS'. R Enum 10
fstETemperature 408F Family status Family status 'FS'. R BitEnum 10
enuB3Configuration 4094 Binary input Binary input; by H-or L-level at the binary input B3 (terminal 7/8), the totalizer can be controlled (function reset or start/stop). R/W Enum 2048
enuCutoffControl 4097 LFC control Lfc control; switching the lfc on or off. R/W Enum 0
flCutoffOnValue 4099 LFC on value Lfc on value; if PV (primary measurand) falls below this value, the measurement scale is set to zero (adjustable between 1% and 19%). R/W Float 0
flCutoffOffValue 409A LFC off value Lfc off value; if PV (primary measurand) exceeds this value, the measurement scale follows the actual flow rate (adjustable between 2% and 20%). R/W Float 0
enuTotalizerControl 409D Counter option W Enum 2048
enuPulseWidthConfiguration 40A1 Pulse width Pulse width; following pulse widths can be adjusted, 50ms (max pulse = 36000 /s), 100ms (max pulse = 18000 /s), 200ms (max pulse = 9000 /s), 500ms (max pulse = 3600 /s). R/W Enum 0
flPulseValue 40A2 Pulse / Unit Pulse value; pulse pro volume (mass) value. The maximum frequency of the pulse output mustn't exceed even at maximum flow (final value). Valid range of values: 0.001 to 999.0 R/W Float 0
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class