Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
beReserved 40A5 Reserved - R Unsigned 2048
uiLastUsedTableIndex 40A6 Number of calibration points Number of calibration points; number of saved calibration points. R Unsigned 2048
enuCalibratedUnitSystem 4098 Type of primary measured value Calibrated unit system; shows the primary measurand. R Enum 2048
flCalibratedFullScaleValue 40A7 Full scale linearization value Full scale calibration value; full scale of the primary measurand at the time of linearization. R Float 2048
uniCalibrated 40A8 Linearization unit Calibration unit; unit of the primary measurand. R Enum 2048
bePhaseOperatingFluid 40A9 Phase of fluid Phase of operating fluid (0 =liquid; 1 = gaseous). R Enum 2048
bePhaseReferenceFluid 40AC Phase of ref. fluid Phase of reference fluid (0=liquid; 1=gaseous). R Enum 2048
bePressureReference 40AD Pressure reference Pressure reference; reference for the pressure designation (under-, over-, normalpressure). R Enum 2048
beDensityReference 40AE Density reference Density reference; reference for the density designation (operating-, normalpressure). R Enum 2048
beVolumeFlowReference 40AA Volume Flow reference Volume flow reference; shows the reference for the primary measurand (operating- resp. standard conditions). R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class