名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类
primary_variable_code 0FD0 主变量为 Primary Index into the Dynamic Variables Array. Indicates which process value is mapped into the HART Primary Variable (PV). 索引 128
secondary_variable_code 0FD1 第2变量为 Secondary Index into the Dynamic Variables Array. Indicates which process value is mapped into the HART Secondary Variable (SV). 索引 128
tertiary_variable_code 0FD2 第3变量为 Tertiary Index into the Dynamic Variables Array. Indicates which process value is mapped into the HART Tertiary Variable (TV). 索引 128
quaternary_variable_code 1082 QV is Quaternary Index into the Dynamic Variables Array. Indicates which process value is mapped into the HART Quaternary Variable (QV). 索引 128
device_variable_code 1047 Device Variable 动态变量阵列索引——识别相对于时间动态的现场设备变量,无需用户输入。 读/写 索引 4096
analog_channel_number_code 105D Analog Channel Number Analog Channel Number- Index into an array of Analog Channels. 读/写 索引 4096
名称 ID 标签 描述 类型 访问 分类