Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
Totalizer_flow_preset_value_5003 409D Preset value Preset value of the totalizer. If this value is exceeded, the related status flag is set. R/W Float 2048
Totalizer_flow_start_value_5004 409E Start value Start value of the totalizer. Set the totalizer to a desired value. R Float 2048
LimitSwitchLS1ON_OFF_5527 409F Function Function limit switch 1. Enables or disables limit switch 1. R/W Enum 2048
LimitSwitchLS1SwitchPointLimit_5528 40A0 Switch point Switch point limit switch 1. As soon as the primary measurement exceeds the appointed switch point, the output changes the binary status. R/W Float 2048
LimitSwitchLS1Hysteresis_5529 40A1 Hysteresis Hysteresis limit switch 1. As soon as the primary measurement exceeds the appointed switch point, the output changes the binary status. To return to initial position, the switchpoint value reduced by the hysteresis must be under-run. R/W Float 2048
LimitSwitchLS2ON_OFF_5530 40A2 Function Function limit switch 2. Enables or disables limit switch 2. R/W Enum 2048
LimitSwitchLS2SwitchPointLimit_5531 40A3 Switch point Switch point limit switch 2. As soon as the primary measurement exceeds the appointed switch point, the output changes the binary status. R/W Float 2048
LimitSwitchLS2Hysteresis_5532 40A4 Hysteresis Hysteresis limit switch 2. As soon as the primary measurement exceeds the appointed switch point, the output changes the binary status. To return to initial position, the switchpoint value reduced by the hysteresis must be under-run. R/W Float 2048
ReferenceFlagBitPressure_5544 40A5 Pressure reference Pressure reference. Reference for the pressure value. R Enum 2048
ReferenceFlagBitDensity_5545 40A6 Density reference Density reference. Reference for the density value. R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class