Name ID Label Description Type Access Class
MeasurementMode_3001 408A Measurement mode Measurement mode. Operating volume flow, standard volume flow or mass flow. R Enum 2048
NameOfApplicationFluid_3002 408B Name of fluid Fluid name; fluid for which the field device is calibrated. R ASCII 2048
TemperatureOfApplicationFluid_3003 408C Temperature Fluid temperature; temperature of the process the field device is calibrated for. R Float 2048
ApplicationTemperatureUnitCode_3004 408D Application temperature unit R Enum 2048
PressureOfApplicationFluid_3005 408E Pressure Fluid pressure; pressure of the process the field device is calibrated for. R Float 2048
ApplicationPressureUnitCode_3006 408F Pressure R Enum 2048
DensityOfApplicationFluid_3007 4090 Density Fluid density; fluid density of the process the field device is calibrated for. R/W Float 2048
ApplicationDensityUnitCode_3008 4091 Density R Enum 2048
ViscosityOfApplicationFluid_3009 4092 Viscosity Viscosity; viscosity of the process the field device is calibrated for. R Float 2048
ApplicationViscosityUnitCode_3010 4093 Viscosity R Enum 2048
Name ID Label Description Type Access Class