Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |
LogStaySet_MaxConverterTemp_1657 | 4080 | Max. reached PCB temperature | Max. reached PCB temperature. The maximum temperature measured in the converter electronics. | R | Float | 2050 |
LogStaySet_MinConverterTemp_1658 | 4081 | Min. reached PCB temperature | Min. reached PCB temperature. The minimum temperature measured in the converter electronics. | R | Float | 2050 |
CODynamicDataSelector_1751 | 4082 | Measurement | Measurement selection. Defines the measurement assigned to the current output. | R | Enum | 2048 |
AnalogHighAlarmValue_1756 | 4083 | High Alarm Current | High Alarm Current. High current level in case of alarm. | R | Float | 2048 |
AnalogLowAlarmValue_1757 | 4084 | Low Alarm Current | Low Alarm Current. Low current level in case of alarm. | R | Float | 2048 |
AnalogLowerEndpointValue_1758 | 4085 | Lower End Point | The 0% value of the current signal. | R | Float | 2048 |
AnalogLowerLimitValue_1759 | 4086 | Lower Limit Value | The minimum value of the current signal. | R | Float | 2048 |
AnalogUpperEndpointValue_1760 | 4087 | Upper End Point | The 100% value of the current signal. | R | Float | 2048 |
AnalogUpperLimitValue_1761 | 4088 | Upper Limit Value | The maximum value of the current signal. | R | Float | 2048 |
AlarmCode_1762 | 4089 | Alarm Current | Alarm current selection. Defines the current level in case of alarm. | R/W | Enum | 2048 |
Name | ID | Label | Description | Type | Access | Class |